About Dr. Lindholm
Dr. Sandra Lindholm is a licensed Clinical Psychologist and Board Certified Sex Therapist specializing in private and personalized therapy for individuals and couples with sexually related issues in a private practice setting. Dr. Lindholm’s philosophy is that “everyone deserves an enjoyable and fulfilling sex life!” With sexual dissatisfaction increasingly prevalent, Dr. Lindholm assists individuals and couples in creating and recapturing exciting, healthy, and satisfying erotic lives. Dr. Lindholm is also board certified as Sex Therapist by the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists.
Practicing in the East San Francisco Bay Area but serving patients nationwide, Dr. Lindholm is distinguished from other Sex Therapists by her unique, multidisciplinary, educational background. Trained in medicine as a sexual medicine specialist and as a licensed Clinical Psychologist with Board Certification as a Sex Therapist, Dr. Lindholm offers her clients a unique combination of insight, experience, and expertise as to the biological, social and psychological components of sexuality and sexually related issues.
Dr. Lindholm’s consistent patient success stories and her highly regarded and engaging educational presentations, have made her one of her profession’s most sought-after lecturers and educators within the sexual wellness community. She has been featured in numerous print media articles including Forbes, and has appeared on a number of educational radio programs. Dr. Lindholm can be seen in her private practice, as well as at a growing number of popular and highly regarded educational speaking engagements focusing on male and female sexuality.
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© 2025 - Dr. Sandra Lindholm