
How To Enjoy A Better Love Life By Doing 3 Simple Things Now

In my practice as a Certified Sex Therapist, I see patients of all ages and genders and I’ve experienced an up-tic of patients, particularly millennials, who report working long, hard hours. They are career driven and are frequently distracted by the very technology applications and devices they are known for creating. Consistent with a recent study, these are only several reasons why they are having less sex than previous generations.
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50 Shades of Confusion: Part 2
Sexy Secrets Women Want Their Men to Know

In Part 1, I talked about the power of seduction and dispelled some of the confusion about what women want from men in the bedroom. While many women seek a soul-mate friend to share their lives, they want a lover in bed—someone who is confident and in control. Women want to be seduced, and they want to be carried away from their busy, hectic lives. They want to ignite a man’s passion and let attraction take over.
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50 Shades of Confusion: Part 1
Sexy Secrets Women Want Their Men to Know

For many men, women are a conundrum of mixed messages when it comes to life and sex. In their business and personal lives, women are empowered and ambitious—they’re pushing for what they want and they’re getting it. They are masters of multi-tasking—juggling work, family and more—and control their destinies through careful planning.
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