Press & Media

This Is What Hollywood Keeps Getting Wrong About the Female Orgasm

Erin Migdol, MIC | February 2, 2015 | December 21, 2023
And those two-minute quickies so often portrayed on TV? We know better. Sandra Lindholm, a clinical psychologist and sex therapist...
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Sex Therapist Tells All

Deborah Burstyn, Health & Beauty | Jan- Feb 2010 | December 21, 2023
What Dr. Lindholm serves up are straightforward sensible tips to rekindle the flame for those in a committed relationship for...
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9 Times Movies Blantantly Lied to Us About What Sex Is Really Like

Erin Migdol, MIC | June 2, 2015 | December 21, 2023
Even actors know it. If sex was really like it was in movies, we’d always be hoarse from sexy moaning,...
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Stacey Kennelly, Diablo Magazine | December 27, 2013 – article | November 8, 2023
How to have a healthy relationship with your partner—and your phone. … “What we’re finding is that all this connectedness...
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