Kathleen Marshall, hosts Clinical Psychologist and Certified Sex Therapist Dr. Sandra Lindholm for Straight-Talk About Sex and Medicine

Kathleen Marshall, hosts Clinical Psychologist and Certified Sex Therapist Dr. Sandra Lindholm for Straight-Talk About Sex and Medicine
Sandra Lindholm, a clinical psychologist and sex therapist from Walnut Creek, California, told Mic that women usually require 20 to 40 minutes of arousal and touching before experiencing an orgasm. “Women tend to be more like Crock-Pots. We have to be more slowly aroused,” she said, “whereas men tend to be like microwaves: They can be turned on fast and the goal is orgasm.”
And those two-minute quickies so often portrayed on TV? We know better. Sandra Lindholm, a clinical psychologist and sex therapist from Walnut Creek, California, told Mic that women usually require 20 to 40 minutes of arousal and touching before experiencing an orgasm. “Women tend to be more like Crock-Pots. We have to be more slowly aroused,” she explained, “whereas men tend to be like microwaves: They can be turned on fast and the goal is orgasm.”
What Dr. Lindholm serves up are straightforward sensible tips to rekindle the flame for those in a committed relationship for the long haul. Currently her classes are just for women but her advice seems relevant for all of us.
Even actors know it.
If sex was really like it was in movies, we’d always be hoarse from sexy moaning, post-coital cigarettes and orgasms that arrived promptly three minutes into sex. In an interview with Harper’s Bazaar U.K., Kristen Stewart copped to the high standards to which her famous sex scene in Twilight was held, griping, “It had to be transcendent and otherworldly, inhuman, better sex than you can possibly ever imagine, and we were like, ‘How do we live up to that?’”
How to have a healthy relationship with your partner—and your phone. … “What we’re finding is that all this connectedness can diminish desire,” Sandra Lindholm says.